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  • Journal Articles373
  • Conference / In Proceedings159
  • Books / Chapters113
  • Other199

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Dr Ahmad Ali Assistant Professor
Dr Nandkishor R. Motewar Director
Prof Smita Shukla Director
Dr Preeti Oza Associate Professor
Dr Ahmad Ali Assistant Professor
Prof Sybil Thomas Professor
Prof Smita Shukla Director
Dr J D Kunal Professor
Dr Anjali Sandesh Kale Assistant Librarian
Dr Shrikant Arun Pathak Assistant Professor
Dr Sudha Pingle Assistant Professor
Dr Nandkishor R. Motewar Director
Prof Chandrakant Puri Professor


Co-Ni-B nanocatalyst for efficient hydrogen evolut...

Author: Gupta S.;Patel N.;Fernandes R.;Kadrekar R.;Dashora A.;Yadav A.;Bhattacharyya D.;Jha S.;Miotello A.;Kothari D.

Copper and Nitrogen co-doped TiO2 photo...

Author: Jaiswal R.;Bharambe J.;Patel N.;Dashora A.;Kothari D.C.;Miotello A.

Room temperature ammonia sensor based on copper na...

Author: Patil U.;Ramgir N.;Karmakar N.;Bhogale A.;Debnath A.;Aswal D.;Gupta S.;Kothari D.

Co-Mo-B Nanoparticles as a non-precious and effici...

Author: Gupta S.;Patel N.;Fernandes R.;Hanchate S.;Miotello A.;Kothari D.

Efficient Co-B-codoped TiO2 photocataly...

Author: Jaiswal R.;Patel N.;Dashora A.;Fernandes R.;Yadav M.;Edla R.;Varma R.S.;Kothari D.C.;Ahuja B.L.;Miotello A.

Room temperature NO2 gas sensing proper...

Author: N. Karmakar ., R Fernandes ., Shilpa Jain ., U.V. Patil ., Navinchandra G. Shimpi ., N.V. Bhat ., D.C. Kothari .,

A unique amorphous cobalt-phosphide-boride bifunct...

Author: Chunduri A.;Gupta S.;Bapat O.;Bhide A.;Fernandes R.;Patel M.;Bambole V.;Miotello A.;Patel N.