Department of Geography

Dr Smita Gandhi

Head of the Department Economic Geography.... View Profile

Dr A S Jadhav

Professor Geomorphology, Agricultural Geography, Remote Sens... View Profile

Dr Bhimrao B Sonule

Professor Geography Of Tourism, Population Geography, Geomor... View Profile

Dr Gita P Kewalramani

Professor Quantitative Geography... View Profile

Dr Sanjukta Sattar

Associate Professor Urban Socio-Spatial Segregation, Social Exclusion,... View Profile

Mr Nandkumar Garde

Associate Professor Geography, Population Studies... View Profile

Dr Savitsmita V Chawan

Associate Professor Urban Geography And Population Studies... View Profile

Dr Dipti Mukherji

Associate Professor Social Geography... View Profile

Dr S A Srivastava

Associate Professor Bio-Geography... View Profile

Dr Aparna Phadke

Assistant Professor Urban Geography, Globalization Studies, Geopolitic... View Profile

Mr Pandurang P Choudhari

Assistant Professor Geomorphology, Remote Sensing, Watershed Managemen... View Profile

Mr Ramesh H Gavit

Assistant Professor Geomorphology And Economic Geography... View Profile

Mr Pravin P Kokane

Assistant Professor Economic Geography... View Profile

Dr Deepali Gadkari

Assistant Professor Geoinformatics, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing, Dis... View Profile

Mr Devidas T Tambe

Assistant Professor Geoinformatics, Digital Geomorphometry, Sedimentol... View Profile